Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Maui is SO beautiful!

So I am in Maui! Finally! It seems like I've been waiting to get here for so long it's actually weird to be here.

I got in yesterday and Amy picked me up from the airport and we drove to Lahaina. We dropped a few things off at the house and then went and picked Jaxson up from school. I spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the kids! It was SO much fun. Jaxson and Maddox are the cutest kids EVER!! Well my Ventura kids are cute too... so I guess they are the cutest kids in Maui :)

I've spent the morning playing with Maddox and then Amy took me to apply for some jobs. I've been sitting at the computer for a few hours filling out online applications so I'm anxious to see if I can get a job sooner rather than later.

Amy and I are off to pick up Jaxson from school.

Hopefully I'll have something exciting to report soon!

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