Monday, April 9, 2007

It's Monday!

I guess I took the weekend off from Blogging. I had a pretty good weekend though! Friday I actually got through all my DVD's and packed up the ones I wanted to take to Maui with me and put the rest in boxes. That was a chore in itself because it was really hard to figure out which ones to take and which to leave behind. But now that is done! My apartment is starting to look like a work zone instead of a home so I guess I am actually making a little progress.

I haven't been sleeping very well lately. I guess it finally caught up to me on Saturday because I pretty much laid around in bed all day and then went to bed at 8:30! I took some advil PM and it knocked me out until 9:47 on Sunday morning. I felt a ton better after knowing that I got some sleep so I guess I needed a day to just rest.

Sunday was Easter and we also celebrated my brother's birthday since he will be flying off to Maui on his actual birthday! My mom outdid herself this year! She bought plastic eggs and an easer basket for my brother and I to share! Then she actually HID the easter eggs around the backyard and the house. Of course we couldn't let it go at that... My brother mixed up some DELICIOUS Pina Colada's and we enjoyed one or two before commencing the easter egg hunt! I can tell you it was pretty funny watching a 23 and 33 year old running around the backyard hunting for easter eggs and getting just as excited as kids when we found one! The kicker was that mom had stuffed the eggs with money so we both wanted to find as many as we could! Miraculously we each ended up with 12 eggs! My brother ended up with more cash than I did but it was ok because it was his birthday celebration after all!

My Mom also cooked a delicious dinner and it was really nice to sit around and visit. I also worked on my scrapbook project a bit so I should be able to finish what pictures I have before I leave!

Today I am going to hang out with my brother a bit and then hopefully get some packing done later this evening! I have to get it all done soon because the movers will be here before I know it!

Have I mentioned how much I hate packing and moving??!!

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