Friday, April 6, 2007

Ah the joys of today...

Well yesterday turned out to be an interesting day. My mom's doctors appointment went well... all except it took almost 2 hours. But she is healthy and that is the most important thing. We went to Sam's club and got some of the stuff we need for our Easter dinner. Then we went back to her house and waited for my Uncle Danny to show up on his stopover on his way home to Idaho. We had a really nice dinner and got to relax and visit. All in all it was a nice day.

Then I went to the store and changed my coins into cash. I had $168.00 in change! I walked away with about $140.00 because I had to buy some batteries and they charged a fee for converting into cash.

So I was pretty happy with my score and walked up to my door carrying boxes so I can start packing and found a 3 day pay or quit notice on my door. I didn't panic but I did call Don and Tammy to see if they had any words of wisdom for me. I'm not sure if it was the stress of finding such an offensive notice on my door or if it is just that I have way too much stuff going on but last night I just could not fall asleep. I was still up at 3:00 and writing lists of everything I need to get done. I finally fell asleep somewhere around 4:00 or 4:30. So imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning thinking it was about noon only to find that it was 7:36. So that means I only got about 3 hours of sleep. Oh that should make for a fun day today!

I went in this morning and talked to my landlord. She wasn't aware that they had put the notice on my door. She wasn't horrible but she wasn't the nicest either. For some reason as I'm talking to her and telling her the circumstances of why I am moving and such, I started crying. I think all of the stress of the past few weeks has finally caught up to me. She ended up honoring the deal that she had made with me on the phone... they won't be putting me into collections for breaking my lease. That is good news.

So I walk out of the office and I can not stop crying. All the way back to my apartment the tears are just flowing. I officially had a mini breakdown. After about an hour I finally composed myself enough to get some chores done. Now comes the fun of breaking down my apartment, changing my addresses on everything and trying to get myself ready for my big move.

I know that life isn't supposed to be easy. I understand that life has challenges and how you deal with those challenges is how you are shaped as a person. I am just needing a little break from hard stuff. I would love to have a few days where I wasn't stressed beyond my breaking point or crying because my heart is broken for one reason or another.

So I'm off for now to see what I can get done today. I'm hoping to keep the drama to a minimum today. It would be nice to just get some stuff done.

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