Thursday, April 19, 2007

Getting closer!!!!

Well the big moving day is getting closer and closer!! I can't believe how ready I am to get there! I am so ready to go that yesterday I was cleaning up my computer and I'm taking it with me! The things I have left to do are so small that I can get them all done on one day! I love that I will be able to leave knowing that I took care of everything here. It's a great feeling to be so organized!

I've had a lot of fun this week meeting up with friends and having lunches and dinners and such. I am slowly trying to build a small tolerance to alcholic beverages by having one or two drinks a day with my friends! heheh I think that once I get to Maui I will have reasons to celebrate and enjoy some drinks so I'm trying to build up my tolerances now.

Mostly I am just excited to start this new chapter in my life. I am really looking forward to doing something totally different. It's exciting to do something that is pretty out of character for me. I feel like I am pushing myself to move outside of my comfort level and in my experience every time I do that I learn and grow and become a better person for it. I'm really trying to go into this new chapter in my life with no expectations and preconceived ideas about how it should all work out. I plan on just letting it all happen the way that it happens. This is by far the scariest thing I have ever done but it also the most exciting!

I'm so thankful that I have the amazing family that I do. My mom for helping me with all my bills and moral support, my sister for letting me stay with her and her family while I get my feet back underneath me. I realize that not everyone is so lucky to have the support system that I do and at times like these it makes me take a moment to reflect on the blessings I have in my life.

Four more days including today in Sacramento... then I'm leaving on a jet plane!!! For MAUI!!!

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