Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm a hiker!!

Who knew that moving to Maui would inspire me to become a hiker?!?! Saturday morning I got up early and gathered my "hiking gear". Namely a new backpack that I bought and some really cool hiking pants. A girls gotta have the right clothes!! So anyway off I go to meet a bunch of people I don't know to go on a hike into the Pu'u Kukui Watershed to VOLUNTEER to go pick WEEDS. Yes that's right. I volunteered to go pull weeds.

Ok just so everyone doesn't think I've totally lost my mind... well maybe I have but if you could see this mountain you might understand. It is SO extremely beautiful up there. It's a rainforest and the portion that we went into is a conservation area and the managers of the land are trying to keep as much of it native Hawaiian as possible. There are very few people that get to go into the preserve and one of the ways to go in is to volunteer. I had an amazing time and totally loved it. I think I might actually enjoy hiking. It really helps that there are no snakes here in Hawaii.... but still it is just so dang beautiful I can't help but want to be outside and in the remote places that not very many people are allowed to go.

Other than that I haven't really been doing too much. Work is going really well. I had a presentation today to show what I have been working on and it went extremely well. I rolled out a new network filing structure and was prepared for some resistance but found none. Everyone seemed very pleased with what I had come up with and is anxious to put it into every day use.

I'm still feeling very lucky and blessed to be here and to have so many great things going for me. I hope some of my friends and family get to come out here soon and see me!!! I miss seeing everyone I love!!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

you're a hiker? get out! that's such a cool thing for you to do. i'm proud of you for getting out there! wish i could go with you to see the amazingness that is maui!