Monday, July 23, 2007

I can't escape it....

Well I guess there is no escaping what you are. No matter if I moved halfway across the ocean and have tried to change my life. I guess it doesn't really matter at all... you can't change who you are at the core.... and I guess what I am most is a BIG HUGE NERD!!!!

What? You ask in shock and surprise. Tina is a Nerd!?! You can hardly believe it! Yeah right...

Well I am a nerd this week because I like many other total dorks out there spent my Friday night at the Borders in Whalers Village eagerly awaiting the arrival of my brand spanking new copy of the 7th Harry Potter book. I actually have proof... My friend Julie and I went and someone took a picture for us...

That's Julie wearing her Harry Potter hat and me holding a Borders bag because we won a game. Yes we were even there early enough to play the various games they had for the group. I had a great time. It was a really neat way to spend a Friday night and I really loved how everyone was there and excited over a book. I guess people do still read!!

I have also decided that I am just NO good at the whole dating thing. Once I'm actively talking to someone, I seem to do ok. But getting to that first step is just so hard for me. I think I am missing the all important radar that some women just seem to naturally have. I had my eye on this one guy and starting getting myself a bit worked up about him. I really developed a bit of a crush actually... only to find out that he has a girlfriend! I could have sworn that he was interested! I guess I mistook interest for him just being a nice guy. Maybe I'm just not used to guys being nice?!?! Who knows. So the only other guy in the picture is a really really nice guy that seems to have sort of latched himself to me, but I am in no way attracted to him. Why does it always seem to work like that?! It's SO frustrating!!

So on my hike last week there was one guy that works for the same company and he works in Pu'u Kukui so it's a slightly different department. Meaning I work for the same company but not really with him. He's a nice looking guy, but not really someone I was really looking at. Then at the hike he was walking around without his shirt on. Ok this guy is SUPER cute! hehehe So now I'm trying to have one of my friends do some research for me to see if he is available. He stopped by this morning just to say hi... something he has never done before... so maybe... just maybe...

Other than that everything else is just going on along!!

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